
Thursday, May 18, 2006


On our Shannon and Jeremy wedding adventure, we had a pit stop in beautiful Sedona. My father in law told us it's a must see place, man was he ever right. We only had an hour or so to spare, it was worth every minute. Sedona is surrounded by awesome Red rock formations, my favorite is Snoopy rock. Sedona is also very hippyish, there are several alternative healing spots to visit ( vortices). Along the main drag there's a bunch of small shops with everything under the sun. Our favorite shop was a Life is Good store, my second was a rock and fossil store. I wish we could have spent a lot more time there, but it's another reason to go again.

Mr. and Mrs. McCumber

I want to congratulate Jeremy and Shannon on their wedding, it turned out perfect. The weather was gorgeous, the company friendly and the view was out of this world. Shan and J dog were married on Shoshone point over looking the stunning Grand Canyon. I still am in shock over the breathtaking beauty on the GC. The ceremony was short but very sweet, you guys are awesome for remembering all of your vows, that was very cool. I'm so happy for you two, you have a great group of friends and family. I was glad to get to know and hang out with some cool people. I can't wait for the picture party, so we all can share moments captured in time with each other.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Happy Birthday!

Happy 27th B-day Nikki! The weather was perfect for grilling out. I hope you enjoyed everything.

Monday, May 01, 2006


Lance Armstrong's foundation LAF started selling Livestrong wristbands and other memorabilia two years ago. Since then 55 million people all over the world have worn the Livestrong wristband. I'm amazed at how many of them I see. I've seen them on affluent people; Senator Kerry, President Bush, famous athletes, movie stars and doctors. Then on the other hand I've also seen them on poor people. Cancer doesn't care if you're white, black, rich or poor, it affects everyone in the world one way or another. I wear my Livestrong to honor my brother Mark who passed away from Brain cancer. I also wear my Livestrong to give hope to family members, friends or complete strangers that someday a cure for cancer will be found. May 17th is wear Livestrong day, so if you have a Livestrong wristband or t-shirt wear it proud to support and honor those that have won or lost the battle with cancer.