
Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I have been the biggest slacker of the blogging world. I have a lot to catch you all up on.

Most of you already know but I like repeating it... Nikki and I are expecting a boy on June 1st. We already have the name picked out...Noah Mark Huber. I'm so excited to become a father, I can't wait to hold him for the first time. Life as we both know it will never be the same, in saying that I know this change is a great thing for us. Thinking back 10 years ago... Nikki and I we're just starting our life together and now we are expecting our first child. I starting painting Noah's room a really cute powder blue color. I was hoping to finish painting before my semester started, I'm not quite there but close.

Last semester went very well for me. I finished with 3 A's and a B. I learned quite a bit, and got a good shot of confidence. I now know what it takes to do well. Classes should be a little more intense this semester. I have two different clinical rotations on an every other week cycle. Starting with 2- 8 hour shifts of Med. surg. ( patients with minor to major surgeries), one week and 2- 8 hour shifts of OB the next week. The OB rotation comes at a perfect time, I'll be caring for Mother and baby, so I'll gain some valuable experience to apply to our birthing process.

Winnie is calming down as her puppy days are numbered. Winnie and I will attending some basic obedience classes soon. I'm hoping after some work on our part she behaves better. 9 times out of 10 she is very well behaved for us. Whenever friends or family come over she becomes a different dog, all she wants to to is jump up on people. Nikki and I are concerned about trusting Winnie around Noah, if we can't control her excited nature we may have to give her up. I know both of us don't want that to happen, so we have to work hard to correct the problem before Noah comes. Well that's all I have for you... until next time.


  • It's so nice to see you blogging again. I forgive you - we have been really busy.

    I know you'll do great this semester. And I know that you'll be a great daddy :) I can't wait for little Noah to get here!

    Love you!

    By Blogger Nikki, at 6:09 PM  

  • Good job on your school grades. When do you and Nikkel want to get together and work out the book money refund? Where are you going for the classes? You also have a real load here at the house to pick-up. Poor Dino, He has to look at it like a pot of gold every time he comes over. If you don't want it I can pass it to him. You two have done very well on the family planning. If every young person planned like you guys the world would be alot better place for many kids. I'm sure you will be great parents. Life will change and it will have it's moments but just work it through. Remember there is also help for you in raising little No. Look to your support people when you need a little help.I'm glad to see Whinnie finally got you into an obedience class. It should work out well for all of you. Remember, she was raised to be jumpy and happy to see new people right from the start. It is in her training. She does have a calm side that can be nurtured. Getting out of the puppy stage will help. How about those new low gas prices!
    Grampa(NOT) MOON

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:51 AM  

  • Congradulation!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:52 AM  

  • Good job on the school work. When are you going to come over and do the book refund thing? You have a real load here also. I'm sure you will be good parents. Just remember to use your support people when you need a little help. I'm glad to see Whinnie got you into the obedience school. You should do well! Remember she was raised to be jumpy and happy to see people. I will take a little untraining to get her out of that. Getting out of the puppy stage will also help.
    Grampa (NOT) MOONB

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:57 AM  

  • I thought the first one was lost. I got the sorry page and no comment showed up so I rewrote it. Now I see both showed up. So Get your sh*t,Get your rebate,Get the dog trained,Get the room done,Get a baby, NOW Get going! Grampa (AIN"T GOING TO HAPPEN) MOON

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:06 AM  

  • I am so excited for you, Nikki and Little Noah! I'm sure that Winnie will learn to be a good "big girl" dog soon enough. We have found that even though Duke does the same thing when friends come to visit, he is very gentle with the girls, protective even. Good luck, I'mm sure she'll do well in school. Oh, and I love that you have your OB rotation before your big day! How perfect is that? We'll see you guys soon.

    By Blogger sara, at 10:08 AM  

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