
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Century # 2

I completed my second century. I love to say that. This one was definitely harder that my first. The terrain for the entire route was rolling hills. Just when you had enough there was more on the horizon.

I started my ride at 7am, eager to get off to another good start. The air and earth was damp, the roads wet from condensation and the sky filled with clouds and light fog. The route was headed Southwest towards the Burlington area. 15 Miles in, the first pit stop was in the town of Lyons. I was feeling good, had plenty of water so I skipped it. As the ride continued we headed west toward Elkorn. The next rest stop was at the Elkorn Armory at the 31 mile mark. I took a quick potty break, filled up the water bottles and munched on some almonds. Our route then headed Northwest towards Turtle lake. The next rest stop was at Lake Loraine at the 50 mile mark. Lake Loraine rest stop was my favorite because there were 8 old 1930's looking cars. Some car club has group rides and they ended up having a pit stop at the lake also. The view from the rest area was also pretty cool, Lake Loraine is pretty big. Then our route headed North towards Whitewater. It was after the half way point were I really started to dislike rolling hills. Just as I was getting tired of climbing we hit the roughest part of the route. The Kettle Moriane State Forest. The hills would only get bigger and longer. This is when you question why you got yourself in this mess, but the only reasonable reply is you got yourself in this, now get yourself out of it. I kept plugging away trying to remain in a positive state of mind. These were by far the hardest miles I have logged so far. As I struggled to climb up hills, I was passed by a few guys that were 20 years older than me. Granted these guys looked to be experienced bike riders and it didn't look like they weighed more than 150 pounds each. I'm such a competitor, that even though there was now way I could catch up those guys, I kicked it into overdrive to save a little face. I did catch up with those guys, too bad it was at the next pit stop. At the 65 mile mark was LaGrange, the 4th pit stop. I was extremely gassed from the blasted Kettle Moriane. I knew now the worst was over. The hills could only get smaller from here on out. Well that was partly true, yes the hills weren't as bad but there were just so many of them. Our route was headed East towards East Troy. Right outside of East Troy I came upon an awesome farm with 4 huge solar panels and 2 wind turbines. Seeing that brought a smile to my face. I love to see progress and Solar panels and wind turbines are a huge upgrade from the 19th century coal power plants. Wouldn't you agree, Moon? Anyways, East Troy was the last pit stop at the 83 mile mark. I was so focused on finishing I again decided to skip the pit stop. At the 92 mile mark a heard a loud snap and I immediately knew I just snapped a spoke. I wasn't in the mood to sit and wait for the SAG wagon to come help, so I partially disabled my rear brake so the wobbly tire could rotate unimpeded and I jumped back in the saddle. With my rear tire wobbling so much it was hard to keep a good pace. I was struggling to keep my pace at 15 MPH. The majority of my ride my AVG pace was 17.6 MPH. At this point I was ready to be done and thankfully the finish was within reach. I needed every muscle fiber in my legs to get through the last few hills and on the last climb near the finish I saw 3 familiar faces waiting for me. Nikki and my parents made it out to see me finish. I finished completely drained. Thanks for coming out to support me, its' always nice to have someone there for you. I finished with a average pace of 17MPH and my total time was 6 hours and 14 minutes. 2 minutes better than my last century. That's progress.


  • Those #$&*@^& hills, hey? Awesome job, baby! I love your recap of your ride - I feel like I was right there. Mr. I've-completed-my-second-century! How cool are you?!

    By Blogger Nikki, at 8:30 AM  

  • Congradulations on your second 100. Shows how hard the head games can get. Think about the mountains on the tour! Getting passed by the compeition looking fresh. Do you think Lance was looking at windmills clogging up the view of the French alps? Maybe if we put them in the lake we can use them as race marks. Keep plugging, we need the hippys to help save mother earth.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:01 AM  

  • Congrats, Ross! Sounds like it was an eventfull ride...I have to love the fact that solar panels and wind turbines gave you strength, it makes me feel great to see them, too!

    Is #3 around the corner ;)


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:57 PM  

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