
Saturday, July 01, 2006

Keep those wheels spinning

A new week brings another long ride. On Friday I conquered a 55 miler. The wind was my only enemy and at times she was kicking my a$$. I fell victim to a wind shift that forced me to ride into the wind for the majority of my ride. I had a 10 MPH headwind to contend with for 21 miles, but I figured that same wind will be my friend on the way back east. I was wrong, on my way back the wind shifted to the SSE. So now I was fighting the wind on my second leg already tired from it from my first leg. Needless to say after a few choice cuss words, I continued to push forward. On my way back I ran into Nikki, she had just gotten her hair cut at a place that was on my route and was looking for me. I had talked to her earlier on my break and she figured about where I was and found me. When I stopped to chat for a minute I think she could tell I was struggling, she asked if I had enough water, I said," Of course, but could you redirect the wind for me?" I didn't actually say that though I wanted to very badly. I told her I expected to have the wind at my back on the way home and how it changed directions on me. She gave me a sympathetic look and told me to stay stong and be safe. I was 8 miles from home but it felt like much more. So as I continued onward I dug deep and found a second wind, no pun intended, that brought me home. I ended my ride averaging 16.4 MPH, still within in my goal. I felt tons better after I sat down and looked at what I accomplished. I tackled a long hilly ride with the wind in my face and I still completed it at above 16 MPH. That's a victory in my book.


  • What a great post! You did seem to be a bit tired when I ran into you...but you finished and you did it within your goal. A victory indeed!

    By Blogger Nikki, at 1:26 PM  

  • Keep up thehard work.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:14 PM  

  • Its almost time!!!! Good luck next weekend. No matter what happens you have already attained the goal in my book.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:48 PM  

  • Thanks for the comments guys. It's good to read some encouraging words. I'm ready to get this ride under my belt.

    By Blogger Ross, at 10:24 PM  

  • Where is the post on your 100!!congradulations!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:23 PM  

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