On our Shannon and Jeremy wedding adventure, we had a pit stop in beautiful Sedona. My father in law told us it's a must see place, man was he ever right. We only had an hour or so to spare, it was worth every minute. Sedona is surrounded by awesome Red rock formations, my favorite is Snoopy rock. Sedona is also very hippyish, there are several alternative healing spots to visit ( vortices). Along the main drag there's a bunch of small shops with everything under the sun. Our favorite shop was a Life is Good store, my second was a rock and fossil store. I wish we could have spent a lot more time there, but it's another reason to go again.
I loved Snoopy :D
The Life is Good store was awesome...What up dog? :P
By Nikki, at 8:24 AM
Your photos are so beautiful, they almost look fake. Amazing. I can't tell you how great it was for Augie and I to spend time with you and Nikki this past weekend. Shan and Jerm sure know how to pick'em. :) BTW (and I know this is off topic, a big no-no when commenting on a blog, but is your birthday 8478?
By sara, at 2:41 PM
Yep, 8478 is my b-day. Nikki and I had a wonderful time with you guys also.
By Ross, at 9:40 PM
Okay, still off topic, but staying on this one tangent. You and my sister Jennie were born on the exact same day. Cool. If you were born in Ray-town you were probably like down the hall from each other... small, small world.
By sara, at 11:18 PM
That's so cool but I wasn't born in Ray-town. I was born in Evansville,Indiana. My family moved up to Racine when I was 3 years old.
By Ross, at 12:17 AM
Who are all these new people running around your blog???
By Anonymous, at 9:31 PM
They're Shan and Jeremy's friends, Nikki and I had a blast with them at the GC.
By Ross, at 10:38 AM
Ross, Moon and everyone,
I would say they are our friends now, too Ross, wouldn't you?!
They are all great people!
By Nikki, at 11:39 AM
More " el " Gang
By Anonymous, at 12:23 AM
Hi Ginael. Wecome to Nikkel and Rossel blog world. I just run around in here making comments and havin fun. Did you know they have a dog ? I can't believe Rossel has had it for a week and not written about her on his blog.
By Anonymous, at 10:41 AM
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