
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Life is Good

I think I'll write a positive blog this time around, so no right-wing bashing here...this time. No seriously, even though I may have made a few people mad, it really made me feel better to voice my opinions. I may bash Republicans but I expect the same from them...we're all better for it.

With that said, I'd like to comment on how my life has been going. I'm in my first semester of my Nursing clinicals and I'm truly loving it. I've surprised myself with the knowledge I already have and the knowledge I'm gaining every day. I can really say it's exciting to get up for school every day.

On Wednesdays I have 2 classes: Pharmacology and Nursing Fundamentals. Pharmacology is definitely my hardest class but it's also the most interesting. To read and understand how drugs work at the cellular level is cool. Pharmacology as a Nurse is ever evolving and changing with new drugs and research. This Pharmacology class is the base to build on because learning about new drugs and their effects is something I'll be doing on a daily basis until I retire. The second class of the day is Nursing Fundamentals. Fundamentals is not nearly as exciting as Pharm but it's still very important. This class has to do with everything from the history of Nursing to how to do a complete a head to toe assessment. One of the most important things we've touched on so far is the Nursing Process, an organized way for nurses to assess, diagnose, plan, implement and evaluate problems. This is another tool I will use on a daily basis.

On Thursday I have Nursing Skills. This class is 2 1/2 hours of lecture and 2 1/2 hours of lab. We get to practice how to give injections, listen for heart, lung and bowel sounds, basically all of the hands on stuff. I seem to learn better from observing and doing rather than reading.

Fridays are the Clinicals, the real deal. We get to interact with the patients, learn about their disease process' and the meds they take to ease the symptoms. The first 6 weeks of the semester we were at Ridgewood, a nursing home. It was a valuable experience but I know I couldn't work as a nurse at any retirement home. Never say never but I'm pretty sure it's not for me. The pace was much too slow and it's sad seeing all the lonely old folks. I'm just used to acute care with a fast pace and critical patients. I'll be at St. Mary's (3C) for the rest of the semester starting this Friday. I'm looking forward to getting to the hospital setting, there's a lot more to take in; diagnostic tests, EKG's, surgical procedures. This is also the day we get to put things we've taken from other classes and apply them, so things that were a little hard to grasp in lecture come all together. It's a great feeling.


  • I'm so proud of you! I can truly see how interesting all of this is to you, and how all of your knowledge is helping you succeed. How about helping the 4th semester nursing students in the monitor room - how cool are you?! Not only are you a wonderful husband, but I know you are going to be a fantastic nurse. And it's so fun to observe you going through the learning process. And yes, I'll gladly keep being your ginuea pig when you need to practice blood pressure, etc. I don't know about when you get to IVs though :P

    By Blogger Nikki, at 6:56 PM  

  • Great to see you back on the blog. I've been checking for weeks. You didn't make anybody mad here. One of the greatest things about America is that we can all speak freely. As long as you speak issues and not attack personalities nobody should take offense. I went through the same school. I even did my mental health at Ridgewood. I had the same feelings after I was at that place. I know how you feel about school and hope that you enjoy the jouney for all its worth. I'm still supportive with the book refunds. I have not changed my view that education is worth supporting. There is a card that explains alittle more in your mailbox. If you guys come to vist for Wendsday T.V. night.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:11 AM  

  • OH! I'm a great ginuea pig for I.V.s. I was a pin cushion for both my E.M.T. I class and my nursing. I even have the marks like the fake arms. Don't be afraid to ask to start an I.V. on me any time. I have the eqipment here at the house and the education to go through the steps.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:16 AM  

  • Not only do you seem a perfect fit for nursing, but nursing also seems to be a perfect fit for you. I've seen many changes since you started your job at St. Mary's, all fantastic ones! Like the shirts say, "Do what you love, love what you do."


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:01 AM  

  • It's exciting to read about your studies Ross, healthcare is a fascinating field with all of it's growth and changing technologies. All of those things you are studying are critical to becoming a good nurse, but not all good nurses have the compassion, kindness and the (sadly) rare gift of *really* listening to people. That's what it takes to be a great caregiver. You have that. Your patients will feel that, and will be well taken care of under your watch. :)

    By Blogger sara, at 10:32 AM  

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