
Wednesday, September 06, 2006


I find it interesting on how the gas prices have suddenly dropped 30 plus cents in the last few weeks. Even as we're in the peak of hurricane season. Could it be that November elections are right around the corner? This is a pathetic attempt for Bush and his cronies to win some much needed votes. Republicans have sank to an all time low. With so much voter backlash coming back to bite the Right-wingers, they probably hatched this scam to win back some of the voters they scared away in the first place. The sad story in all of this is they win back votes, people will turn a blind eye to all of wrongdoings of their political party as long as the gas keeps getting cheaper. This is one of the many reasons why I, Ross, will never vote for a crooked oil loving republican. What's great about this country is that I can express my opinion and not get locked up in prison for it! As we creep up to the 5 year anniversary off 9/11, the mastermind is still at large and he's probably plotting his next move as I write this blog. All the war in Iraq has gotten us is thousands of insurgents that swear to destroy the West and anyone who sides with us. Thousands of American solders have given their lives for a war, when the end of major combat was declared 3 plus years ago. Even more innocent Iraqi men, women and children have been murdered in the name of war. A war that is looking more and more like Vietnam every day. The good old U S of A has spent over 312 billion dollars in this invasion. That same 312 billion could get every American healthcare, build more schools, hire more teachers, firefighters, police officers, etc. We could focus that 312 billion on making sure everyone has a place to call home. There a hundreds if not thousands of things that could be improved in our own backyard. But fixing the school system or healthcare doesn't win elections. Am I saying Democrats have the answers... no, but a war with no end, a failing healthcare system and an inadaquete school system, something has got to give. We need to solve our own problems on the homefront before we start dropping hundreds of billions on a useless war. I'm done now, I'll step off the soap box to give someone else a chance to vent, thank you for your time.


  • Right on, Brother!

    By Blogger Jeremy, at 9:06 AM  

  • WOW! Where do I start? Do you really think that the gas prices are being manipulated now for votes in nov. Lets see what happens between now and nov 11. If no damage has been done by hurricanes this season wouldn't gas prices look better? News of a larger field just off the current fields make gas prices look better? Looks like suppy and demand to me. Yes We are creeping up on the 9/11 5 year. But where is he? He and his killers are living in caves and not killing people living on American soil! Do you think they will stop attacking us if we go into isolationalisum? Remember Pearl Harbor? They have told us to convert or die! Are you willing to get on you knees and point east? or die? 312 billion! Thats alot of $ , But It could not do everything you claim. Familys are being provided for with that money, educations are saved for with that money, insurance is payed out of that money, private industry is doing R&D with that money, Taxes are being payed with that money........I don't want to spend 312 billion on explosives (unless its fireworks) But all the $ is not being blasted apart. Yes America is great because you can stand on your soap box and yell. Were do you want to protect that right? Are you going to stay in your house untill they knock on your door? Try to stand on a soap box then and they will shoot you in the head. Your freedom has and never will be cheap. If you don't protect what you deserve, then you deserve what you get!


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:11 AM  

  • OH! I forgot, This"war looks more like Vietnam every day" What do you know about Vietnam? Going to blame oil on this one also? Why? did it start? Where did it start? When did it start? Who were the players in the war? Who was in office? Who escalated the the war? How did we get out? What happened in the end? When you can answer these question you can make a comparesion to Vietnam!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:23 AM  

  • Good post, Ross. Way to express your opinion.

    I thought it might get you fired up Moon. Believe me, Ross was pretty fired up as he wrote it last night! Friday dinners will resume soon, so you guys will have to have a debate...


    By Blogger Nikki, at 12:08 PM  

  • You know I was close to your views many years ago. You have opened my eyes again to be less wasteful and shink my footprint a little. But I was never so far left and angry. I'm glad you take an intrest and formulate your own views. Remember you need both sides to know the story. Its not just oil and Bush. 50 % of the time Dem's have taken us to this place in history. Don't just keep bitchin' show me a plan.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:01 PM  

  • Well said, Ross.

    Contrary to what Moon says, it is our duty to learn from history and try not to repeat mistakes that have already been made. Just because our generation wasn't involved in Vietnam doesn't mean we haven't learned about it, read about it, and are able to draw our own conclusions from it.

    I totally agree with you, Ross - that money could fund some desperately needed programs here. I, for one, am sick of my tax dollars going to line the pockets of big oil men and to defense spending. As I'm sure the Iraqis are tired of all of that money being used to "protect" the oil fields in their country.

    They want everyone scared out of their wits about terrorism, I prefer to keep my eye on what is going on under the radar while they attempt to keep the focus on fear.

    Get up and shout some more, Ross. We need every voice we have!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:03 PM  

  • Well Shan you are right. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. You say you have studied and read about Vietnam. Can you answer the questions I asked Ross? Compare the wars?
    Oil is a problem. What did Clinton do about it for 8 years? What big altrnative energies did he get going? Lets all sing don't stop thinking about tomorrow one more time. Thinking about it is all that ever happened. Oil has been a problem from the 50's, what has any president done about it? I'm sick of people using my tax dollars for more programs. Why should someone else spend my money. I should be able to help who I want! Not some goverment baffoon handing it out to some crack whore to spit out more puppies. Spend my money on defending my rights as a person and as an American. I'll bet the Iraquis wish they could write this freely. I hope when we are done they can live in a free world. Spend theier oil money on food, education, more programs if they want. Are you going to tell me that 9/11 didn't put some fear in you? Are you going to get on your knees and bow to the east when you have no defense from thier take over? They have told us to convert or die. What will you do? We don't need more oil or defense, we need more programs. Who's got the soap box next?


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:44 PM  

  • OH!!!! Thats right E85 If you havn't seen what a big goverment pile of bullsh*t that is....

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:53 PM  

  • Whoaaaaaaaaaaa...quite the firestorm going on here...I just hope no one is having hard feelings here. I'm trying to be the mediator here...Moon you obviously have very strong feelings, as do Ross and Shannon. That's the beauty of being able to express your opinion, right.

    By Blogger Nikki, at 4:12 PM  

  • 1st off Moon, the discovery of more oil off the gulf coast won't be available for a couple of years, so that has nothing to do whth the gas prices now. Good question about Bin Laden, why don't you ask your buddy W. He's the one who said were going to flush him out of his cave, well guess what...another one of W's failures. Why would America invaid Iraq after 9/11 when 18 of the highjackers were of Saudi Arabian decent? Why not invade Saudi Arabia instaed of Iraq? Maybe because the Bushes have been in cahoots with the Saudis for some time now. And while were on the subject, W said Iraq has WMD, were the @#%* are they! They never was any WMD in Iraq, that's just another cover up so Bush could start another war his father couldn't finish. Look those crazy extremist Islamic rebels will bring violence and chaos regardless if we invade thier counrty or not, how long has Isreal been dealing with this? They haven't fixed thier problems with the Arabs, if you ask me the matter is worse than it was a few years ago, they have been fighting violence with violence.. were do you think its gotten them so far...nowhere. Look 312 billion wouldn't fix all of the social problems in this counrty but it would be a great start. What has 312 billion gotten for us in Iraq, let's see, a counrty on the verge of a civil war, at the very least 30,000 innocent Iraqi men ,women and children dead. The counrty has no infrastructure, many areas are without power, disease is rampant. It sounds like our 312 billion has done the Iraqis more harm than good. Why would fighing a war in Iraq affect the terrorist activity against the west, in my opinion it only makes the hatred for the west stronger. The terrorists haven't struck us yet but the Brits foiled a large scale attack a few weeks ago. they can and will stike us again, with or wihtout us fighing a pointless war. If it comes down to a draft, I won't dodge it like most politicians including Bush. I'll fight for my counrty. You're right freedom isn't free but it shouldn't burdon millions of our own people to get our point across. There are oppressed people right here in our backyard, why don't we fight a war on inadequete education, or homlessness, or making sure every American has healthcare. those are things are tax dollars should be fighting.

    By Blogger Ross, at 4:49 PM  

  • I have no hard feelings about people speaking on what they believe. Nobody has stooped to attacking someone character. Just what we feel are our sides of the facts. I once remember telling an old friends father I would not go to a god fosaken country like Vietnam, but I would die defending my home turf. As time went on I saw that the story was not so cut and dry as the left led me to believe. I Remember I had a poster that said "what if they had a war and nobody came?" and I believe it to a point. I have to get ready for darts. I would like to address your comments later Ross. No hard feelings, We are all just being Americans in our own way with our own opinions. I'm sure we would all want world peace for Winnie to grow up in.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:13 PM  

  • Moon,
    That's what makes this counrty great. I respect your opinions just as I hope you respect mine. This is how the wheels get turning on making changes in our lives or changes in our seperate political parties. No hard feelings.

    By Blogger Ross, at 6:24 PM  

  • Ross, out of all the politics and people in the family , haven't I given you time to speek and listen to your views? If I didn't respect your opinions would I address them on an even leval? None of us can agree with all of our parties stances, we just have some different starting points. I was more like you when I was your age. Things change. Be open minded, look at the world with open eyes.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:03 PM  

  • O.K. Its morning and I have some time. You know good news about a stock can make it's price do better. Nothing has to change in production for speculators to invest. Commodities (gold, gas, corn)work the same way. Hurricanes have not disrupted any production this year. This is a direct link to the supply side now. You must think getting Bin Laden is of some importance if you say not flushing him out was a faiure. Do you want B.L.or us to pull out of the war? You can't ask our forces to do both,pick one. If the killers were born in Norway, trained to kill in Iraq, were supported by Iraq, lived in Iraq, would you invade Norway? They were extremists from Iraq training camps! You complain about us being friends with Saudi Arabia. The middle east can't be friends with each other. What ones do you think we should try to be friends with? It can't be all of them. Saudi is one of the most stable and most democratic. I think its one of the better ones at this time. Who is your pick? And why? O.K., they have not found any wmds yet. He had plenty of time to hide or distroy them. What we did find was the programs and tools to build wmds. We just gave them too much credit for possilbly getting them done. Maybe we should have given them a little more time to finish the programs and then use the wmds on us to prove they had them. You are 100% right. The extremists will bring violence if we invade them or not so, lets get them in thier back yard not yours. Isreal has been fighting from the beginning of time. If they didn't fight they would have all been killed and their family's wiped off the face of the earth. If they don't fight now the Hesbolites will do a geniside. What can they do? If we don't spend some of the 312 billion on defending America you won't have a country with programs to give the money to. What do we do? Another 8 semi-isolation years like the Clinton years? Let them bomb our barracks and kill people. And say that they are bad little Islamities but do nothing. Let them Blow up our Embassy and kill people and say thats not nice but do nothing. Let them blow up our ships and kill people and do nothing. All the time giving them the feeling they can attack Americans and get away with us doing nothing. Building more support and confidece to do another 9/11,. I can't wait until we put that policy back in the white house. If you don't defend what you deserve, you deserve what you get. I'm glad to see you will fight, Its better than getting on your knees, sticking your ass in the air, and bowing to the east. Try to write that in Iraq! God bless America! May Winnie and all puppies grow up in a free world.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:23 AM  

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