
Thursday, May 17, 2007

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

The 3 R's, thank you Jack Johnson for writing a great song for children and adults to sing and follow in their daily lives.

I invested 50 bucks in a 60 gallon rain barrel and the parts to get me started over the winter. I set the barrel up in early April, no kidding a couple of days later it snowed. Living in Wisconsin always has you guessing on what the day will bring. I'm very proud to say we have collected and used over 100 gallons of water thus far and it's not even summer yet! My only regret is not buying 2 rain barrels, I want to invest in at least one more in the years to come. A rain barrel is so easy to set up and maintain and you help mother earth in the process.... why isn't everyone doing this yet?

I'm still using my push reel mower to cut the grass but I did hit a snag when I broke the handle a couple of weeks back. I ordered the parts but I had to use the gas mower one week because the parts didn't get here on time. I have to tell you, using the push reel is hard work, it's slow, doesn't cut the grass very short or even and you have to mow more often as compared to the gas guzzler but as I sucked on exhaust fumes last week I realized the push reel is the only way to go for me. I could care less how manicured my lawn is, all I care about is that it gets mowed without using fossil fuels. I ask my self again... why aren't more people doing this? Wait I know... in America all that matters is time and convenience not conserving limited resources. Just because using gas powered mowers is easier doesn't mean it's the right way, someday when our grandchildren are paying 20$ a gallon they will be asking us what we did to use less... how will you answer?

I made a hap hazard attempt to put together a makeshift compost box last summer, it isn't working like I had hoped. I didn't put much of any thought into it. This summer I plan to build a larger compost with a blueprint and instructions from budget backyard makeover magazine Nikki brought home from work. So this summer with a little work I should be composting. Is composting convenient or require little time.... no, it takes time and effort as do many things in life. Do you have a back yard and left over vegetable scrapes? Guess what you can compost. Why aren't more people doing this?

I'm not trying to put anyone down for not doing things to conserve the limited space and resources we have. I'm just trying to open a few minds, if I persuade 1 person to try and make a difference then we all win. As a society we take the easiest route but not all things that are easy are the right thing to do. Reducing, reusing and recycling takes much effort and time but at the end of the day I know I'm doing my part... are you doing yours?


  • Hey Ross,
    Yes! I am doing my part, and I am so happy when I see others doing the same. It *is* work, but the rain barrels rock, and you are right - having two is awesome! We composted all of the sod that we tore up last summer and it is now the soil for our new veggie garden! You have us on the push reel, I am proud of you for being so diligent. I, too, hope that you inspire one, then two, then...that's how we make change, right?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:56 AM  

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