
Friday, April 21, 2006

Push reel mower

In honor of Earth Day I finally went out and bought a push reel mower. That's right, I won't be burning gas while I cut my lawn anymore. The only fuel I need is what's in my stomach at the time. Lawn mowers are horrible machines, 1 hour of cutting your grass emits enough emissions as a 100 mile car ride! Each weekend over 54 million Americans mow their lawn consuming 800 million gallons of gas each year! The noise pollution is another turn off, most lawn mowers run at 75-80 decibels. Prolonged exposure to 75-80 decibels will damage your hearing. Another down side to gas mowers is the upkeep, changing the oil, filters, spark plugs, winterizing and de-winterizing. The push reel takes much less upkeep, sharpening the blades and lube the bearings in the wheels. The blades need to be sharpened once a year. Americans need to be less dependent on fossil fuels, this is one way to lessen the dependence on foreign oil.


  • Go Ross!

    I hope everyone starts to see it your way.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:54 PM  

  • I love our push reel!


    By Blogger Nikki, at 8:26 AM  

  • Rossel & Nikkel,
    As I said in the past I will pay you 3 dollars every time you push mow your lawn to help save the planet. It is crazy that Americans spend more on an crop we can't eat then most country's on food crops? I'm NOT! going to be pushing this yard. I will honor your dedication by not putting anymore 110 oct leaded race gas in my mower. We still should get rid of this mixed gas!! it's bad even from the tree hugger point of view. Had to get alittle politcaly incorrect for you two or it wouldn't be me.
    Jerrnel, I herd the bath party was good. Who did you blast up with some paint?
    Shanel, What did the girls do? TRROOOUUUUBBBBBLLLLLLEEEEEEE? I'm going to find out!! MOON knows. Nikkel????????

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:54 AM  

  • This is me with my gas mower -> :(

    This is me seething with jealousy of your push mower -> :P

    For once, I should really be keeping up with the Joneses (or in this case, the Hubers!)!! Way to go, Ross!

    Moon, the party was great! We tore that place up!!

    By Blogger Jeremy, at 1:06 PM  

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