
Wednesday, September 06, 2006


I find it interesting on how the gas prices have suddenly dropped 30 plus cents in the last few weeks. Even as we're in the peak of hurricane season. Could it be that November elections are right around the corner? This is a pathetic attempt for Bush and his cronies to win some much needed votes. Republicans have sank to an all time low. With so much voter backlash coming back to bite the Right-wingers, they probably hatched this scam to win back some of the voters they scared away in the first place. The sad story in all of this is they win back votes, people will turn a blind eye to all of wrongdoings of their political party as long as the gas keeps getting cheaper. This is one of the many reasons why I, Ross, will never vote for a crooked oil loving republican. What's great about this country is that I can express my opinion and not get locked up in prison for it! As we creep up to the 5 year anniversary off 9/11, the mastermind is still at large and he's probably plotting his next move as I write this blog. All the war in Iraq has gotten us is thousands of insurgents that swear to destroy the West and anyone who sides with us. Thousands of American solders have given their lives for a war, when the end of major combat was declared 3 plus years ago. Even more innocent Iraqi men, women and children have been murdered in the name of war. A war that is looking more and more like Vietnam every day. The good old U S of A has spent over 312 billion dollars in this invasion. That same 312 billion could get every American healthcare, build more schools, hire more teachers, firefighters, police officers, etc. We could focus that 312 billion on making sure everyone has a place to call home. There a hundreds if not thousands of things that could be improved in our own backyard. But fixing the school system or healthcare doesn't win elections. Am I saying Democrats have the answers... no, but a war with no end, a failing healthcare system and an inadaquete school system, something has got to give. We need to solve our own problems on the homefront before we start dropping hundreds of billions on a useless war. I'm done now, I'll step off the soap box to give someone else a chance to vent, thank you for your time.